maps • volume xv number 1 • Spring 2005

Oliver Mandrake, President
John Beresford, M.D., Secretary
Myron Stolaroff, M.A., Treasurer
Donald Wylie, J.D.
Advisor Jeremy Tarcher


Frank Barron, Ph.D.
Jan Bastiaans, M.D.*
Peter Baumann, M.D.
John Beresford, M.D.
John Buckman, M.D.
Walter Clark, Ph.D.*
Ram Dass
Betty Eisner, Ph.D.*
James Fadiman, Ph.D.
Allen Ginsberg*
George Greer, M.D.
Lester Grinspoon, M.D.
Charles Grob, M.D.
Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D.
Willis Harman, Ph.D.*
Milan Hausner, Ph.D.
Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D.
Albert Hofmann, Ph.D.
Bo Holmstedt, Ph.D.
Jean Houston, Ph.D.
Laura Huxley
Oscar Janiger, M.D.*
Stanley Krippner, Ph.D.
Igor Koungourtsev, M.D.
Hanscarl Leuner, M.D.*
John Lilly, M.D.*
Olga Luchakova, M.D., Ph.D.
Arnold Mandell, M.D.
Robert Masters, Ph.D.
Dennis McKenna, Ph.D.
Terence McKenna*
Ralph Metzner, Ph.D.
Claudio Naranjo, M.D.
David Nichols, Ph.D.
Humphry Osmond, M.D.
Jonathan Ott
Christian Rätsch, Ph.D.
Ronald Sandison, M.D.
Michael Schlichting, M.D.
Richard Evans Schultes, Ph.D.*
Alexander Shulgin, Ph.D.
Ronald Siegel, Ph.D.
David Smith, M.D.
Huston Smith, Ph.D.
Myron Stolaroff, M.A.
Charles Tart, Ph.D.
Thomas Ungerleider, M.D.
Andrew Weil, M.D.
Richard Yensen, Ph.D.

Dr. Albert Hofmann celebrated his 99th birthday on the 11th of January, 2005. Still articulate and in good spirits, he celebrated with family and close friends, including a round table exchange prepared by Rick Doblin of MAPS that included many important figures in the psychedelic world. Details are available on our site,, and on the MAPS site. Dr. Hofmann is looking forward to reaching his 100th birthday; may we all support him in achieving this outstanding accomplishment. We dearly hope he will live to see research with LSD reinstated via a program being supported by MAPS -- an accomplishment which has not been permitted by our government for more than thirty-five years, and which might possibly be achieved within a few months.

A major development for the Hofmann Foundation is the help contributed by a knowledgeable and skilled computer expert, Oliver Mandrake. Oliver has rescued our ability to remain on line, along with the contribution of MAPS for a place on their site. Oliver's talents have completely revitalized the operation of our website. He has now been elected as the president of the Albert Hofmann Foundation. For just over a year, the Albert Hofmann Foundation has devoted it's entire attention to exposing the very important accomplishments with LSD research from the past. Our government has failed to acknowledge this very important work, thereby excluding large numbers of people from relief of suffering, as well as eliminating the possibility of achieving leaps of understanding and well-being available through the appropriate use of LSD.

Dr. Hofmann, Director of Research at Sandoz Corporation, over a period of 40 years collected roughly 4,000 research papers on LSD and psilocybin. He arranged to have this collection transferred to the Albert Hofmann Foundation in America. With the most helpful financial aid of Bob Wallace, most unfortunately now deceased, and with the help of Rick Doblin of MAPS, funds were made available to have all of these papers placed on the Erowid site

While there were many investigators who experimented with LSD during the 1950's and 60's, a large majority of them were totally ignorant of the proper application of LSD and it's potential for learning and healing. But there were a small number who came to fully understand the nature of LSD and its potential, which resulted in excellent therapeutic results for a widespread number of afflictions. With the help of a group of eager volunteers who were willing to write reviews, we have been able to post a number of investigations reported by knowledgeable researchers. These reviews are available on the Hofmann website, To read them, the easiest was is to open WHAT'S NEW, scroll down to the reviews listed, and a click will open the chosen item. If the reader is interested in further information, an additional available click will take the viewer to the Erowid site, where the entire paper will be presented.

Another addition to the Hofmann site is the Gary Fisher Collection. Gary Fisher is one of the most knowledgeable researchers with LSD, and has done some excellent work, including cooperating with Joyce Martin, M.D., another very knowledgeable investigator in England. We recommend that interested viewers check out these complete documents on the Hofmann site. The uphill struggle to gain acknowledgement of this most powerful tool, LSD, is in my opinion based on the fact that most modern scientists, as well as many leaders of government, have become practically completely involved in cognitive processes, which cuts them off from their true center of spiritual realization. A major dynamic of the action of LSD is that it can open our hearts and souls to the extraordinary wonder of who we truly are as human beings, probably the most wonderful realization available to mankind. Let us hope that more and more of us can come to recognize the truth of who we really are, and honor the remarkable tools waiting to help us out.

Myron Stolaroff
Editor, Albert Hofmann Foundation Website
May 21, 2005