from the Bulletin of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies
MAPS - Volume 10 Number 2 Summer 2000 - p. 10

MAPS website enhanced with new pages

The front page of has improved graphics and added links. New pages include:

A quick guide to the studies most in need of support at this time.

The Secret Chief: Conversations with a Pioneer of the Underground Psychedelic Therapy Movement by Myron Stolaroff

MDMA and LSD Therapy in the Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in a Case of Sexual Abuse by Marcela

Transcript of the talk given by Dr. Julie Holland at the March 2000 symposium MDMA ('Ecstasy') Research: When Science and Politics Collide held at the New York Lindesmith Center.
Includes link to RealPlayer file of the entire symposium (other speakers: John P. Morgan, MD, Rick Doblin, Ph.D. and Ethan Nadelmann, Ph.D.).

Quicktime video clips of five presentations at the 1999 Conference on the Clinical Utility of MDMA and MDE - Dead Sea, Israel (George Greer, MD; Charles Grob, MD; Deborah Mash, Ph.D.; Raphael Mechoulam, Ph.D.; Juraj Styk, MD).

Effects of Psilocybin in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Principal Investigators: Francisco A. Moreno, MD, Pedro Delgado, MD, Alan J. Gelenberg, MD; University of Arizona.

A page on how to donate to MAPS that includes a "shopping button" that links to the MAPS page at By shopping brand-name retailers through this portal, a percentage of sales are donated to MAPS.

North Americans Participating in Amazon Ayahuasca Ceremonies by Kim Kristensen

The Integration of Neo-Reichian Therapy and Rolfing with LSD Psychotherapy by Warren A. McDermott

The Realm of Visions: Towards an Evaluation of the Role of Near-Death Experience in Ayahuasca Psychotherapies by Marcus C.Y. Lumby

Therapeutic MDMA & the Federal Government: A Cloudy Past and a Hopeful Future by Donald D. Lewis (Harvard Law School)

Please check the MAPS news page for further updates to the MAPS website.


In the last issue of the Bulletin we printed that there were no deaths related to Ecstasy reported in 1997, according to medical examiner reports compiled by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
SAMSHA initially released to us erroneous information. In 1997, there were actually three deaths related to - but not necessarily caused by - Ecstasy. There was one MDMA-related death in 1994, six in 1995, eight in 1996 and nine in 1998, the last year for which data are available.

MDMA in the press

Attention to MDMA ("Ecstasy") has heightened as the press focuses on the use of it at raves. Television segments have appeared on CBS 60 Minutes II and Dateline. Articles have appeared in USA Today and TIME Magazine as well as major US newspapers.
Rick Doblin and Sue Stevens were interviewed for the TIME article, and also appeared on Court TV. See the MAPS response to TIME.

California toxicologists discuss "rave" drugs On May 5-6, 2000 the California Association of Toxicologists held a conference in North Hollywood, California, the first day of which was devoted to drugs that are commonly found at raves. MAPS sponsored one of the attendees, in order to provide representation by supporters of MDMA. Summaries of the proceedings were prepared by Earth of Erowid and Richard G. Boire of Alchemind Society.

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