MAPS Offers $25,000 for Clinical Trial of Ibogaine

On December 17, 2010, MAPS Deputy Director Valerie Mojeiko released a request for proposals for clinical studies with ibogaine. While MAPS is currently sponsoring an ongoing observational study of ibogaine treatment for opiate addiction, the current request for proposals (RFP) is seeking a research team interested in conducting clinical trials. While observational studies are useful for establishing links between ibogaine and treatment outcomes, clinical studies allow investigators to make stronger claims about the role of the drug in producing the observed changes.

In the current RFP, MAPS is offering a matching grant of $25,000 to one team of scientists who can provide an additional $25,000 or more for the study. MAPS will award the grant to a team with the credentials and resources to conduct a clinical trial of ibogaine, and which has the ability to navigate the required regulatory hurdles. The team must also be willing to make all study data public and to seek publication of the results. Interested parties may apply by responding to the questions listed in the RFP and submitting them to